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Display Supply Chain Management Concepts Using Top PowerPoint Templates

  • Truck Illustration Business PowerPoint Template
    A college teacher asked a designer; how can I portray the concepts of supply chain management through visual aids. The designer has replied; do you think you can design a PowerPoint template for this purpose? , and he said, there is no need to create such designs because you will get it from various PowerPoint designers, just go to their sites and download it. Yes, whether you are a teacher or a business manager, you can download top business PowerPoint slides and infuse your concepts with it. It is popular that supply chain management is an essential part of most businesses and is necessary to company success and customer satisfaction. In this article, I would like to cover the topic of supply chain management and its importance. Besides, how can you use supply chain templates to create awesome presentations before your audience.
    What is supply chain management (SCM)?
    Supply chain management consists broad range of activities required to plan, control and execute a product’s flow, from obtaining raw materials and product through distribution to the final customer, in the most efficient and cost-effective way possible. That is the management of the flow of goods and services and includes all processes that transform raw materials into final products. Supply chain covers everything from production to product development to the information systems needed to direct these undertakings. You can illustrate the fundamentals of supply chain management using slide bazaars introduction slide for supply chain management.
    supply chain process powerpoint template


    The gear process diagram is suitable for showing the basic concepts by using PowerPoint clipart icons. The fundamental elements of supply chain management are clearly defined by the support of these metaphoric illustrations.
    The basic concepts of supply chain management are as follows:
    • Raw materials
    • Supplier
    • Manufacturing
    • Distribution
    • Retail
    • Consumer

    Manufacturing warehouse conveyor powerpoint template


    These are the conveyor belt of supply chain management that you can display through a process ppt template.
    There is certain key elements rule global supply chain management. These core elements are:
    1. Product movement
    The distribution or movement of the product plays a vital role in designing the SCM model. Movement of the product needs to be managed well to attain success in any business. Timely distribution of a product from one unit to another, proper quality check and each point and quick delivery are the key elements to completely satisfy customer’s needs. However, the term supply chain and logistics are often confused or used synonymously. Remember, the supply chain is whole and logistics is the part, it is only a component of the supply chain system. Logistics focuses on moving a product or material in the most efficient way so it arrives at the right place at the right time. Logistics manages activities such as packaging, transportation, distribution, warehousing and delivery. Look at the slide below and download it for presenting logistics management concepts.
    truck illustration trucking industry truck transport powerpoint template


    This is an exclusive slide for logistics presentation.
    2. Timely order to delivery
    Prompt delivery is essential to gain customer trust. Supply chain management process must meet the goals well from the beginning till the end. By managing the supply chain, the enterprises are able to cut excess cost and deliver the product to the customer quicker. As delivering the end product, the supply of raw materials is also important. Business success is solely depending on how successful the delivery of the product is. Right from the order placement to delivery, SCM processes must be fine-tuned properly.
    delivery powerpoint template


    using the modern ppt slide the supply chain management presentation can use a different variety of PowerPoint’s to tune transportation display. This is a unique PowerPoint design for business presentation.
    3. Service after delivery
    Business success also depends on the nature of the services that you provide after product delivery. If you ignore your customer after delivering a product and have been reluctant to give further services, you can’t go longer. Supply chain model should have a system to frequently conduct a performance review, quality checks after delivery so that service after delivery is well taken care of.
    Business services infographics powerpoint template


    Use metaphor PowerPoint to showcase service after delivery
    4. Budget management
    Many people have beliefs that supply chain management only focusing on the supply of materials or goods. But, the SCM system also includes managing the finances of the organizations. Inventory management, account payable, billing accuracies, are the few key fiancé management activities that need to be described well in the SCM process.
    supply chain diagram template


    This multifunctional PowerPoint timeline of hexagon design is fit for presenting financial activities that include in supply chain management.
    5. Integrated supply chain management
    Supply chain integration is a significant business strategy that carries as many links of the sequence as possible into a closer working relationship with each other. The aim of supply chain integration is to improve production time, response time, and reduce cost and waste. It also refers to the integration between suppliers and customers. Further, it also mentions integration between the logistics and product/service supply. The link between retailers and sole distributors make the business success through that the long term goal of the organization can be achieved. A large organization has its own features that bring together all the agents that take place in it and are responsible for conforming with the suitable processes so that the final consumer can enjoy a good quality product.
    supply chain management powerpoint template


    Create an enticing PowerPoint presentation of integrated supply chain management using the 20 PowerPoint slides for supply chain management.
    Importance of supply chain management for corporates
    The success of corporate business links inextricably to the performance of your supply chain. E-commerce enterprises such as Amazon and eBay depend on their supply chain wing for their successful existence in the market. If their supply chain doesn’t work as they wish, the entire business will be on the threat. So, if you want business success, you have to make supply chain successful. Whether a business is small or big, timely delivery of products will give an upper hand in the market.
    Boost customer service
    • Customer expect the correct product assortment and quantity to be delivered
    • Supply chain management allows customers to get their products in the right location, or they expect products to be available in the right location. Customer satisfaction diminishes if a supplier couldn’t supply the necessary materials at the right location at the right time.
    • Right delivery time- customers expect products to be delivered on time, good supply chain management do everything at the right time and keep their customers satisfactory and loyal.
    • After service- customers expect products to be serviced faster. If a company failed to do that, they can’t acquire customer loyalty. For instance, when an Air condition stops working in the summer and repairs can’t be made for days.
    Reduce operating cost
    • Decreases purchasing cost- supply chain management enables applications of cost reduction strategies. So your business can increase profits without increasing sales. By reducing the cost of shipping, storing and retrieving, you can sell your product at a low cost.
    • Decreases production cost- producers depend on supply chains to consistently deliver materials to assembly plants to avoid material scarcities that would shut down production.
    Decreases total supply chain cost- producers and retailers hinge on supply chain managers to plan networks that meet customer service goals at the least total cost. Good supply chain enables a firm to be more competitive in the market place. For example, warehousing costs can be reduced when a company ready to deliver its products through its retail chain.
    Improve financial condition
    • One of the key opportunities for improving your financial performance is reducing the amount of inventory in the supply chain. This can result in dramatic increases in the firm’s profits.
    • By decreasing fixed assets, you can increase your profit as well. You can decrease the large fixed assets such as warehouses, plants and transportation vehicles in the supply chain and you can also avoid rental buildings.
    • You can increase cash flows by speed up product flows to customers. This will help small business to rotate cash easily. However, the unpredictability and uncertainty of financial inflows and outflows can add more complexity to the inherently complex supply chain financial flow.
    By improving the product, financial flow and information, organizations can proactively make and seize new market openings and mitigate risks that can negatively impact their entire business. With a good supply chain management system in place, companies can systematically and consistently assess their processes, identify and fill all the gaps, and lower costs.
    Some other benefits of supply chain management
    • Improving product quality– good supply chain management can help to maintain product quality and promote the development of more viable products.
    • Improving partnership with your suppliers– communication and cooperation to improve corporate social responsibility performance will strengthen relations with suppliers and can contribute to increasing productivity and reducing costs.
     Attracting and retaining employees– a company’s goodwill and ability will attract and retain the most qualified employee. When you outsource tasks to suppliers, it is very important to signal employees that high priority is given to corporate social responsibility issues.
    • Supply chain management helps sustains human life– if you want to get your basic needs on time, you must depend on the supply chain. Any breakdown of these delivery pipelines will make adverse impacts on human life. For instance, when a natural disaster occurs, people need basic necessities, if the supply chain breakdown, human life will be on the threat.
    • SCM helps economic development– countries with highly developed supply chain groundwork (express highways system, wide railway network, modern airports and ports) are able to exchange many goods between businesses and clients quickly and at low cost. It is evident that poor nations having poorly developed supply chain system.
    • Employment creation– the subject of supply chain management is one of the biggest job providers in recent years. As an academic curriculum logistics and supply chain management creates new horizons for the students. Increasing job opportunities in the field attract more students and job seekers to study supply chain management. Supply chain professionals design and operate all the supply pipelines in society and manage warehousing, transportation, packaging, and inventory management. As a result, there are many careers in the supply chain field.
    conveyor belt powerpoint template


    Of course, supply chain management helps people in many ways, so it has a humanitarian value. People of a country depend on supply chain managers to design and operate food, water supply, and medicine. These are the primary necessities of humans. Hence, the socio-economic value of supply chain management should be studied more elaborately and precisely. For instance, humans depend on supply chains to deliver medicine and healthcare. For the period of a medical emergency, supply chain performance can be the difference between life and death. Besides, the drugs and equipment necessary for treatment will be available at the hospital as a result of good supply chain implementation.
    As you can see, there are many advantages to business adopts a supply chain management system. Some are beneficial to your own business, while others are beneficial to the entire society itself.
    Final words
    A supply chain is a network of individuals, organizations, activities, resources, and technologies involved in the manufacture and sales of a product. It is all about marketing despite the concept is not directly related to marketing principles. It starts with the delivery of raw materials from a supplier to a manufacturer and ends with the delivery of the finished product or service to the right customer. SCM watch over each touchpoint of a company’s product or service, from start to the finished stage. A good SCM strategy can increase revenues, decrease costs, and impact a company’s overall benefits. In nutshell:
    • SCM is the centralized management of the distribution of goods and services and includes all processes that transform raw materials into final products.
    • By handling the SCM, organizations are able to cut additional costs and deliver products to the consumer faster.
    • Good supply chain management enables the company to grow faster and acquire customer loyalty.
    Corporate managers and business professionals can use our supply chain management PowerPoint templates learn their staffs and clients as well as the stakeholders, “how to create a good supply chain strategy”.


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