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Share Digital Marketing Trends and Strategies with Modern PowerPoint Templates.

    Without a good marketing plan, you couldn’t sell your product/services as your desires. Similarly, every good business presentation needs a good marketing plan. And every good marketing plan needs to include the latest trends. Both technological and behavioral changes have occurred even beyond our dreams. These situations require new research in marketing and business. Digital marketing trends are the latest drifts to change the industry. Research shows that more than fifty percent of businesses use digital marketing but without a proper strategy. Using digital marketing trends to encourage your presentation can aid you to build upon your strategy and build your audience.
    Whatever content you would like to transmit or share with your viewers, you have to need an accurate medium for the presentation. Often at times, you may use PowerPoint templates or Google slides but you may have a feeling that your presentation hasn’t made the right target. To avoid frustrations, search for a suitable PowerPoint template that works with your ambitions and desires.
    Quick view on the latest digital marketing trends
    What are the new digital marketing trends? How can I include these modern strategies in my own business? Startup ventures say business should include these in their strategy: visual content, voice searching, chatbot, social media marketing, keyword marketing or content marketing, Apps Ads, live video and the possibilities of Artificial Intelligence.
    Social Media PowerPoint Template

    Digital marketing trends categorized into an ever-evolving phenomenon. On account of that, it is essential to keep up with the trends. What worked in the earlier may not work effectively in the present-day. This is evident in presentation approaches as well. For instance, we all know the storytelling method is one of the greatest ways to catch the audience’s attention. However, unless you create own story for the PowerPoint presentation, people may have heard your story through social media network. The intensive influence of social media will make everything outdated. So, select your story carefully with a personalized effect.
    Voice search
    The advances made in recent years in the fields of natural language processing, automation, conversation interfaces, machine learning and deep learning processes have enabled virtual assistance to become increasingly intelligent and useful. Voice searches are very rampant in search engines like Google, with personal assistant devices leading the way. Therefore, making your SEO approach for voice search is crucial.
    What is the relevance of visual content in digital marketing?
    As we are discussing the dissemination of new trends of digital marketing, it is necessary to explore the importance of visual content in digital marketing. What are the strategies and theories PowerPoint presentations using on the podium, the same theories that we can infuse with digital marketing strategy? There are studies indicates that it takes around eight seconds for a visitor to make a decision whether they like a web page or not. Undoubtedly, a well-created visual image will imprint in the cognitive sense of a human than well-written content. So, an attractive visual graphic can have the enticing effect on the visitor to read further.
    That is, an image is worth a thousand words. And, when it comes to online businesses, a tempting visual is an incredibly efficient tool for an individual as well as the company.
    The brain perceives a pictorial content faster than a written content
    Have a look at the important statistics; more than ninety percent of the information that is transmitted to the brain is visual. Per second, eyes can catch 10 visuals and register more than thirty-six thousand visual messages per hour. When processing the messages, a brain can process visual contents 60,000 times faster than any textual theme. These data clearly show the significance of visuals to a human brain. The best possible way to attract people, do attach visuals in your content. It gives your website visitors something more than just words on the page. The words wouldn’t have nearly as much impact without-well-crafted visual elements. The visual content comes in many formats such as Graphics, Videos, Slideshows, Infographics, Comics, and so many more.
    As we discussed above, visuals are processed better and thus, they produce a faster and stronger reaction than any other type of content. Visuals make user engagement and these reactions strongly influence information retention. In spite of this knowledge, we are doing the same thing for our digital marketing. We are giving more importance to the written content and keyword strengths for lifting our product/services. Remember one thing, if you use a highly competitive keyword, it will difficult to optimize your website or product because a competitive keyword often uses by the high-ranked companies or websites that still act as their prime SEO strategy.
    Tricks for incorporating visuals in your content
    Can I incorporate every kind of visual in my content? No, never, visual placing only successful when it is executed properly at the right place. Digital marketers should not expect a great change by just adding a stock photo to their Facebook or Pinterest. The following are the proven tricks for effective content and visual mixture.
    • Add a featured image at the starting of every blog
    The visual you have attached in the article draw attention and increase engagement. On the other hand, people are not interested to read your content if it has more than 150 words. Besides, whenever, you include any image on the left/right/top/bottom corner of your post, you can reduce the character per line. So, limited characters per line help people make snap decisions about text faster and easier.
    • Include an image after every 300-450 words
    If the word count of your blog is around 1500 words, you should place 4-5 images in the appropriate places. Adding visuals at such regular intervals gives readers the time to analyze, perceive and process the text. Basically, it gives them a pause. This practice will enhance the participation level of the readers and give them a little time to relax while reading the article.
    • Use the different style of visuals
    For your marketing content, images are not the only component that could be incorporated in your article. You can use various formatted images instead of flat designs. These are the few among them: 3D charts and graphs, custom-made images, stock images, infographics, animations, and cartoons.
    • Place your brand logo, whenever possible
    You can place your company logo or brand symbol in all your custom images. Once you create a custom image, you own it. Anyone who scratches for other uses, it will include your company/brand logo.
    • Make all possibilities using social media networks.
    Social networking platform
    Social networking is the best platform where visuals      could be used to get the most effective results. Study and research the difference between major social media giants, and who are their key watchers, what type of messages will spread in quick times.


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